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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Assignment 3: U C what I C

i wanted to do this story because recently on stomp there were many posts about ppl sitting on the reserved seats and how they do not stand up for needy ppl.. so the stosy here is about an old lady on the train on 3 diff occasions.. the first and second occasions are showing the same thing, and that is someone is sitting at the reserved seat and the old lady asked them to get up and they did so.. but on the last occasion, when the old lady again ask another person to get up from the reserved seat, the person turned out to be a senior citizen too.. the last part of the story is the twist..

the main difficulty i had when doing this assignment was that i cannot get my friends to get together to take the pictures.. i took these photos after the tutorial when i met up with my friends for a birthday celebration. i did thought about using non-human objects for this assignment, but i couldn't come up with a good story..

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